Posts in Neurofeedback
How to Get Certified in QEEG Brain Mapping

By now, you may be thinking offering QEEG services would be a natural addition to your clinic, which begs the question: how would you get certified? To become board certified in QEEG, you must first take an approved International QEEG Certification Board (IQCB) didactic course. After your course, you will have a great idea of what you would like to do with this technology as it applies to your clients and clinic. Then you can start looking into equipment. We suggest reaching out to an unbiased equipment specialist, like the ones at Successful Practitioner. They offer a Free 25 min consultation for reasons just like this.

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What is QEEG Brain Mapping?

A quantitative EEG is also known as a brain map. What is a brain map?

This is an electrical measurement, analysis, and quantification of brainwaves. Brainwaves are created by electrical charges generated by the brain. We first gather the raw EEG data, and then we process it through a normative database, which is a database of healthy individuals’ brainwaves of the same age. This gives us a comparison of the individuals brain relative to others. This is the first step in a QEEG assessment process.

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What is Neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback training is a form of biofeedback that uses EEG/brainwave information to help teach an individual how to regulate their brainwave activity and improve their brain function. Neurofeedback training is a non-invasive therapeutic approach to enhance neuroregulation and metabolic function for a variety of conditions. Additionally, Neurofeedback uses the model of operant conditioning, a form of learning that associates behaviour with a stimulus.

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